Reading is Sexy

Monday, May 01, 2006

Project Blog Re-Scope

Dear Readers,

Ten years ago I sold my car in an effort to respect the planet. (Ok, I give! I HAD to sell my car because parking in San Francisco was driving me to drink. More than I already did at the age of 24.) I take my role as an environmentalist fairly seriously…..I walk to work when it’s sunny and I take public transportation when it’s raining. I take the train to visit family, rather than renting a car.

I have enjoyed not driving immensely. There is something to VERY Sex and the City-ish in meeting my coworkers at the bar downstairs, knocking back a couple mojitos and then hopping in a cab together to our respective corners of the city.

But I have recently reached my breaking point with public transportation. I currently spend 2.5 hours a day on a bus. Do you know what I can do in 2.5 hours? Think about what you can accomplish in 2.5 hours and then multiply it by two, because I’m really good at multi-tasking. I, along with Boyfriend, decided that it was time for me to buy a car.

I’m sure, dear reader, you are asking why I am telling you this. Because, I will no longer have 2.5 hours a day for pleasure reading. Therefore, the purpose of this blog is null and void. I’m sure all 8 of you are disappointed.

I will still be posting frequently, just not always about books. This actually opens the door for me to discuss my love of Lost, my nieces, the annoying hair that grows out of my right cheek and any reality TV show that I’m currently addicted to. Right now, that happens to be Top Chef.

I am feeling quite conflicted about buying a car and being a drone who sits in traffic by herself every day, singing off-key to Kelly Clarkson. I feel bad that I’m contributing to smog and noise pollution and the diminishing ozone. However, as my coworker brilliantly stated: “What has the ozone ever done for me, except give me a sunburn.”


At 5:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would be more than happy to talk about Lost; especially with 4 new episodes on the way.

Good Luck with the car. My Little Girl is growing up. I personally long for a car-free life again.

Loving Owen Meany.



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